Pond Filtration 101

Water quality is one of the most essential factors to maintaining a healthy pond or water garden. This is especially true if you have it stocked with fish and aquatic plants. In order to keep your water quality in good condition a good pond filtration system is a necessity.

pond water filtration systemThe Purpose of a Pond Filter System

There are two purposes a pond filter system has. It needs to act as a mechanical filter and as a biological filter. Before we look into pond filters, we need to look into the two kinds of filtration.

  • Mechanical Filtration: This is one of the main types of filtration that happens in ponds. The wastes and solids like the ones produced by fish can be separated and removed with this filtration system. This is an essential filtration system because it can strain solids from the pond water as it goes through it which is important for the pond’s biological media.
  • Biological Filtration: In nature, the biological process of beneficial bacteria will also occur in ponds. When pond fish produce waste, it will slowly turn into nitrites, nitrates, and ammonia. If a biological filtration system is working improperly, the waste and bacteria can reach a point that is unhealthy to fish and other pond inhabitants. A biological filtration utilizes beneficial bacteria to help maintain water quality and making the water environment healthy.

A biological pond filtration system like the Country Pond filter reduces nutrients in your pond. It is these nutrients that can have a real impact on your water quality. They can enter your pond from sources like fertilizer runoff and organic debris on the bottom of your pond. A standard size filter is good for half-acre and may work for larger ponds with cyclic nutrients loads. Installation isn’t difficult and no machine excavation is required.